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Self-Publishing Information

Not too long ago, self-publishing was looked down upon as the place only of people whose work was truly awful.

Now, however, self-publishing is not only respectable but publishers are concentrating their efforts on mega-blockbusters.

And there’s definitely a market out there for well-written books.


Business Overview

As a self-publisher you’ll not only write your book, but also see it through all the details the publishing house attends to-editing, choosing cover art, working with the graphic artist, getting it printed and, perhaps most import, getting it marketed so that it finds a readership .

The Self Employed Business Owner Manual is an essential starting point for property rights and safeguard for your business.


Filing for a trademark or service mark protection for your business name, symbols, logos, workbooks, movies, digital works, and musical recordings are all examples of copyrighted works.

For more information on how to protect your copyrights and the process of copyrighting your work.

Announce Your Publication

Once you have purchased your ISBN number, you are no longer a self-publisher… you are now a Publisher. Now you are ready to publicize your book to the world. In order to buy your book, people will have to hear about it first. Marketing and Promotions, Become a Published Author. You keep control of your rights. 

  • E-book Marketing, Promotion Assistance Services. Self Publishing made easy for ISBNs for printed books and e-books.  ISBNs do not have an expiration date. Bowker  services can help you with Editing, Copy Editing, Developmental Editing and promote your book making your title available to retailers and libraries.  Get started today!

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